Thursday, November 3, 2011

Indian Politician Goes to Mars .....funny story..

So NASA finally decided to send a man to Mars. But with all the uncertainities involved and the years of detailed research and stuff that was to be done on Mars, it became clear that it would be a suicide mission. The person would not be coming back to Earth. 

NASA decided to invite applications from all over the world from general public to select the person who would be making the trip. The person would be provided whatever he asaked for, since he would not be coming back. After months of deliberations and examining, they finalized on three applicants: An American, a German and an Indian politician. So they called each of them and asked what they would want, before they would be finalized for the mission. 

The American said: 'I want 1 billion Dollars to be given to my wife and family.' 

The German said: 'I want 2 billion Dollars to be given to my family.' 

The Indian politician, when his turn came, said: 'I want 3 billion Dollars.' 

When the interviewing official asked why his price was so high, he replied: 

'One billion for me, one billion for you, give the American the other billion and send him to Mars.'

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