In this Prashant Bhushan and Arvind Kejriwal seem to suggest that IF BETTER SOLUTIONS TO REMOVE CORRUPTION EXIST, THEY WILL BE HAPPY TO LISTEN.
Well, Arvind, if you are serious about removing corruption, then please read BFN – it contains the comprehensive package for removal of corruption.
To make things easy for those who don't like reading books, I've summarised the issues in two blog posts which Shantanu has kindly combined here.
And to make things EVEN more simple, for people who can only see ONE thing at a time, and can't look at the whole picture, I've even said this – that Anna should focus on ONE key demand: state funding of elections.
I know this doesn't look like "FIGHTING" corruption. It won't bring down the corrupt ministers who rule India today, but it will ensure that NO CORRUPT PEOPLE ENTER FUTURE PARLIAMENTS.
Arvind, much as I respect your work (although I've expressed clearly its limitations earlier, here), I suggest that your diagnosis of the problem is WRONG.
Corruption is caused largely by
(a) electoral laws that ONLY ALLOW THE CORRUPT TO ENTER, and
Corruption is NOT caused by any "shortage" of Lokpal.Hence if you are SERIOUS (and I'm not sure you are, given I've been writing about this for quite some time now – and my book is widely available, free of cost), please consider the detailed references above.
To simplify matters even more, let me list the five things I wrote about and which are published on Shantanu's blog:
1. State funding of elections
2. Remove all limits to electoral funding
3. Ensure the MOST RIGOROUS disclosure requirements for political donations
4. Pay the politicians VERY WELL.
5. Elect politicians who promote classical liberalism.
You'll note that the Lokpal bill doesn't figure in this list. It is there in BFN (something implicitly on these lines), but it is a MUCH LOWER ORDER "solution", for it will NOT work unless 99% of the people who enter parliament are good people.
Let me now see if you are HONEST AND GENUINE about your openness to new ideas, or you will simply continue to insist that your views are right without considering the DETAILED alternatives that others – with SOLID experience and analysis – FAR MORE THAN YOU BRING TO THE TABLE – may care to suggest.
I look forward to your changing your mind on the LP bill and focusing on these five solutions, instead.
I also look forward to your joining FTI. Together let us take over the parliament and change India.