Saturday, August 27, 2011

BJP asks Rahul to persuade PM to amend Lokpal Bill

From Left: Rahul Gandhi, scene inside Lok Sabha

The BJP on Friday criticised Congress general secretary Rahul Gandhi's speech in the Lok Sabha, saying he should not give sermons to the nation and persuade Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to bring changes in the Lokpal Bill.

"We don't want Rahul's sermons. It is surprising that he is giving sermons to the nation but his party under Manmohan Singh is dilly-dallying on a strong Lokpal issue. We urge him to stop sermonising and persuade Prime Minister to bring changes in the Lokpal Bill," BJP leader Ananth Kumar said reacting to the speech delivered by Gandhi on Friday.

Kumar alleged that the current stalemate on the Lokpal issue was "due to the Congress and the UPA led by Manmohan Singh".

"Yesterday, the entire house and Manmohan Singh expressed concern over Anna's health but government is still dragging its feet over the issue. The government Lokpal Bill is totally malafide," he said.

Kumar said his party wants "a strong and effective" Lokpal on the lines of Jan Lokpal Bill proposed by anti-corruption activist Anna Hazare and his team.

"BJP has clarified its stand. We are for a strong and decisive Lokpal on the lines of Jan Lokpal Bill," he said.

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